Ah the little ironies

1.  I finally earned my first royalties on the two books I published on Amazon in February, which is really encouraging!  

This was on the Kindle version of each. 

Image  Image

It amounts to only $17.53, which may not sound like much, but it was more than I earned in 10 years with my first printing of Lost In Foreign Passions as it was published by Publish America under this cover:


Ironically, that one sold many more copies than the present version since it had longer to become known and, unlike the newer one which has had no ratings or reviews yet, has 5 star ratings.  It’s just that Publish American only paid the tiniest fraction of the royalties to me at first and then paid none at all, not reporting any even though I knew my book was selling and is still selling in the older rendition.

This, despite the newer version being far better edited, having more detail, and pictures, which the old one doesn’t have at all.

I can’t believe I’m stuck competing with own book!

2.  I was right: it was indeed Phoebe that was peeing on the floor.  Since she’s been outside and the floor thorough cleaned, it hasn’t been peed on since.  Cole doesn’t appear to be missing her either.  Always a skittish kitty, he’s become much more loving and relaxed around us.  This surprises me as I thought they really liked each other. 

Phoebe, meanwhile, was stuck up a tree when we got home last night, meowing to us in answer to our calls but not coming down.  I don’t know if she knows how so tried to talk Jeb into bringing out the lader. 

He wouldn’t do it.  He said, “You don’t find cat skeletons in trees.  They all do eventually get down.”

Yeah, yeah, yeah…  If she’s not down when we get home tonight then he will be bringing out the latter or I will, very big and heavy though it be.

3.  My HGTV has finally bored and exasperated me with it untimely habit of freezing on me when I get to a certain point each time.  It’s not as though I’m doing anything really productive with it anyway.

4.  I’m feeling kind of sad about the coming demise of summer.  It’s been perfect weather out and even my poorly tended garden is doing well.  But we didn’t swim or camp, water slide, hike, or go to any of the local festivals since Sakura Con in April.  Nor have we gone travelling or even to so much as a carnival or parade.  And we’ve never gone to an outdoor concert, which is something I’ve always kind of wanted to do. 

Jeb has been marathoning on video games with his son while I’ve been fiddling with HGTV feeling lonely and unsatisfied.  The summer has been beautiful.  I just wish we could have done more to make it worthwhile.  I just feel so empty in this sterile relationship and wasted summer!

Maybe I can appreciate the summer vicariously.  Tell me what you’ve done with yours.  Did you make it worthwhile?

5.  Noc Noc, the gothic nightclub we like to go dancing at on Saturday night is going to close at the end of this month.  I’m kind of heartbroken about that.  I loved that place!  So we’re going to go to the finally blow out party there this weekend, but then what?  What could possibly replace it?  *SIGH*

6.  On a cheering note, we’re going to see The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones this weekend too.  The trailers look like a cross between Percy Jackson and what Fey Fever would look like as a movie.  Should be fun.

7.  I’m still being a bit grumpy though at least I’m not angry anymore like I was yester morn.  That’s something.  And like I said: I earned royalties.  Yay!  So good morning!

8.  Is it time to decorate for Halloween yet?  I’m really in the mood!

9.   Favorite lines from Princess Bride:

“I am Inigo Montoyo.  You killed my father.  Prepare to die.”


“You use that word so often.  I do not think you know what it really means.”

“As you wish.”  Mostly I like the intentness of his eyes and the shape of his lips while he forms these words.

“Yes, you’re very smart.  Now shut up!”

Do you have any favorite lines from this classic movie?  Anyone remember all the wonderful rhyming lines?  I loved those but can’t remember what they were.

I’m somewhat in awe of Andre the Giant having remembered them all.  Unlike the other actors, he did not read a script.  He memorized his lines from a tape recording.

About Ampbreia

I'm an ex-Pentacostal, ex-Muslim, ecclectic Agnostic with slightly Wiccan leanings. I am not affiliated with any organized religion or political platform, but I do believe in magic and all things wise and wonderful. I work as an admin in a calibration lab. I've published 2 books so far this year: Lost in Foreign Passions: Love and betrayal, passion and loss in the heart of an alien land (a memoir of my time as a Muslimah and living in Iran for a year), written under my previous married name, Debra Kamza, and Dream Lover (a paranormal romance, the tale of witch that summons her favorite character out of a Bewitched spin-off and the actor who plays him as well). I'm constantly writing stories and poems, thoughts and dreams, and quite a few opinions - many of which are not popular but oh well. Bite me. I'm interested in art, animals, the paranormal, and people. I love to dance, all sorts, but have been studying belly dance since 2006 and LOVE it! I love anime too and love dressing up and going to conventions. My writing runs the gummut of historical, science fiction, fantasy, romance, and erotica. Beware: I may not be safe reading for work. Just saying....
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8 Responses to Ah the little ironies

  1. I am so sorry for your status, Ampbreia. The whole purpose of a relationship is to support each other, and to minimize loneliness. My wife and I were always there for one another, give or take a few self-absorbed slips, early in our marriage. My current friend and I have a long distance friendship, but we are always there for one another.
    I especially like the line by Mandy Patinkin that you cited, as well as Cary Elwes’ “You’ll make a GREAT Dread Pirate Roberts”.


  2. My summer has been great…just flew by too quickly!
    I love The Princess Bride. It’s the movie where I discovered Mandy Patinkin and developed a crush on him! I watch Homeland just to look at him, now. 😀 I, also, liked Billy Crystal’s character! 🙂 I always quote, “I’m mostly dead.” And “Lub…Twu lub…” from the wedding scene. 😀 That’s cool about Andre…he was such a sweet man.
    That movie sounds cool…let us know how you like it.
    Yay for earned royalties! Congrats! 🙂
    HUGS!!! 🙂


  3. CherokeeWriter says:

    I did write a review for the new edition of your book, but I put it on Goodreads. I can put it on Amazon also if you like.


  4. whyzat says:

    Congrats on the royalties! A lot of people think that once you publish a book, you become rich—-think again, people! I have some experience with programs crashing when overloaded. I have designed some cards and things on my Print Shop 20 software, only to have them turn white and disappear! Bummer.
    The thing about Princess Bride that made me laugh the most was, when they were having the archery contest, there was a tower in the castle marked “Ye Royal Book Depository.” Very clever.


  5. Ampbreia says:

    I somehow missed that entirely. I really have to watch that movie again.


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